I was looking for a way to store food in the summer heat in the conditions of refugee camps where there is no electricity. I was inspired by “refrigerators” that are built in India or Africa and are cooled by a water evaporation system. To create a hairy refrigerator, you only need an old blanket and towel, a needle and a strong thread, a plastic box (used for vegetable) and about 40 liters of sand. The longitudinally folded blanket is sewn into strips, the resulting pockets are filled with sand, so the blanket itself stands around the box. Everything is watered, covered with a wet towel and shaded. Then berofe drying out watered again. By repeated measurements, I found that the temperature inside drops by at least 7°C. For example in the morning it is 33° C in the sun, in the shade 26°C and in the fridge 19°C, in the afternoon 36-28-20°C. Thanks to this refrigerator it is possible to consume food longer, which will significantly help especially where there is no possibility of regular shopping nearby.