1978–1982 Secondary School of Applied Art, Prague
1984–1990 Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design, Prague (studio of monumental painting)
1989–1990 Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Arts Décoratifs, Paris
1982–1983 Czech TV, studio of animated film creation
1983–1984 Central Puppet Theatre Prague
Since 1990 I’m working as free-lance artist. Till the end of 90’s I devoted to painting and creating large-sized enamelled iron plastics (sculptures). Another sculptural work in clasic materials (wood , earth, bronze) followed. My painter’s aiming lead to mosaic‘s period in late 90’s.
Since 2004 my works is set mostly in the field of PET-ART(plastic bottle art). Simultaneously I devote to painting, photography and artist’s books. I produce creative up-cycling programs for children and adults as well.